Vivamus, Moriendum Est
Ink on Paper
The story behind this piece:
Let us live, since we must die. The process of opening up to live and love is ongoing, and sometimes I wonder if the internal battles I fight in the effort to heal are worthwhile. At times, the fear of rejection and of ridicule is visceral and overwhelming, and the desire to evaporate into nothingness takes hold. Other times, the searing blade of loneliness cuts through me, and I clamor for connection.
The question is, can I truly live, can I truly love, if I keep my heart locked away inside stone walls? I know the answer. I cannot.
I long to let the sun shine on my fragile heart, but I find so much safety and comfort in the shadows of the weeping moon. But, when the time comes when I am faced with death, will I tell that sweet angel that comes knocking for my soul about a life I lived with passion and wonder? Or will I tell him how I cowered and hid in the safety of my shadows, letting the opportunity to experience the beauty of life pass me by? And so the fight goes on.
Ink on Paper
The story behind this piece:
Let us live, since we must die. The process of opening up to live and love is ongoing, and sometimes I wonder if the internal battles I fight in the effort to heal are worthwhile. At times, the fear of rejection and of ridicule is visceral and overwhelming, and the desire to evaporate into nothingness takes hold. Other times, the searing blade of loneliness cuts through me, and I clamor for connection.
The question is, can I truly live, can I truly love, if I keep my heart locked away inside stone walls? I know the answer. I cannot.
I long to let the sun shine on my fragile heart, but I find so much safety and comfort in the shadows of the weeping moon. But, when the time comes when I am faced with death, will I tell that sweet angel that comes knocking for my soul about a life I lived with passion and wonder? Or will I tell him how I cowered and hid in the safety of my shadows, letting the opportunity to experience the beauty of life pass me by? And so the fight goes on.
Ink on Paper
The story behind this piece:
Let us live, since we must die. The process of opening up to live and love is ongoing, and sometimes I wonder if the internal battles I fight in the effort to heal are worthwhile. At times, the fear of rejection and of ridicule is visceral and overwhelming, and the desire to evaporate into nothingness takes hold. Other times, the searing blade of loneliness cuts through me, and I clamor for connection.
The question is, can I truly live, can I truly love, if I keep my heart locked away inside stone walls? I know the answer. I cannot.
I long to let the sun shine on my fragile heart, but I find so much safety and comfort in the shadows of the weeping moon. But, when the time comes when I am faced with death, will I tell that sweet angel that comes knocking for my soul about a life I lived with passion and wonder? Or will I tell him how I cowered and hid in the safety of my shadows, letting the opportunity to experience the beauty of life pass me by? And so the fight goes on.